Did you know there are currently listed around 2450 (give or take) social ballroom dances done accross Australia.

The story of social sequence dancing in Australia is apparently totally undocumented.  So the mammoth task began, several months in and there is a significant base to work from however some areas remain poorly represented and for this we seek you assistance.

Glenn Cooke: 

(This is a work in progress, with your help a database will be created giving a social dance history for all to refer to)

If you have any dance or ball programs you would like to contribute to the project, please send scans here. (or request a mailing address for hard copies) With thanks for your assistance.
Glenn Cooke.

(Glenn is former curator at the Queensland Art Gallery and has extensively pubished on Australian visual arts)

We also would appreciate any and all social dance history, photos, scripts etc.(all items here are for public interest purposes)


From days gone by dance has developed and moved with human kind. Our history is tiny compared to others but we all share a common ground.
Some interesting re-enactments for you to enjoy. (this page will open in a new window)

You can find the history of Australian Social Sequence dance collated so far..

Some data collected – ACT  –  NSW – QLD – SA – TAS -VIC – WA
Click on each column to sort dances done at each venue or area. 

DanceStyleACT 2011 Canberra Saint Benedict's Hall RepertoireACT 2012 Belconnen Seniors Club JanuaryACT 2012 Canberra Old Time Dance Club 25 Jan. RepertoireACT 2012 Canberra Old Time 32nd Anniversary Dance 8 JuneACT 2012 Canberra Old Time 32nd Annual Ball 9 JuneACT 2012 DICKSON Thursday Dance JanuaryATC 2012 Canberra Narrabundah Harmonie German Club JanuaryACT 2012 Canberra Isabella Dancers JanuaryACT 2012 Canberra Senior Citizens Turner January
BL Alvaston 1975 by Tony & Denise DyerBLxxxxx
BL Ballerina 1995 by Ted & Sue BurroughsBLx
BL Balmoral (A) 1971 by Robert StewartBLxxxxxxx
BL Bambi 1962 by David Rollinson & Barbara HeathcoteBLxxxxxx
BL Banyan 1996 by Ian & Sue WebsterBLxxxx
BL Barclay (A) 1943 by Jack KennedyBLxxxxxxxx
BL Barnaby 2001 by Harry & Barbara HowarthBLx
BL Biju 2004 by Barbara & Bill Tapscott, Mt Pleasant, SABLxxxxx
BL Birthday 2004 by Graham & Avril WatkinsBLx
BL Buddleia 2004 by Ian & Sue WebsterBLx
BL Burley Griffin (A?) 2005 by Joy & Brian VenablesBLxxx
BL Dynasty 1983 by Ted & Sue BurroughsBLxxxxxx
BL Georgella 1951 by Stella & George BerwickBLxxxxxxxx
BL Marli (A) 2007 by Bill & Barbara Tapscott, Mt Pleasant, SABLx
BL Melba (A) 1967 by Albert BoalBLxxxxxx
BL Saint Eddie's ?? by ?BLxxx
BL September 1998 by Neil & Lesley MarshallBLx
BL Summertime 2003 by Neil & Lesley MarshallBLx
BL Sweet Sixteen 2008 by Graham & Kathy ThomsonBL
BN Bella 1992 by June Macready & Don MillingtonBNxx
CH Beyzabanu 1987 by Colin PiperCHxxxx
CH Blue Wren (A) 2008 by Bill & Barbara Tapscott, Mt Pleasant, SACHxx Tx
CH Chan Ha?s (A) 2002 by Bill & Barbara Tapscott, Mt Pleasant, SACHxxx
CH Cocobola 1998 by Ian & Sue WebsterCHxx
CH Jacqueline 1961 by Laurence RatiganCHxxxxxx
CH Mardi Gras 1989 by John & Christine HarrisonCHx
CH Orlando 1989 by Jackie SandersonCHxx
CH Pontinental 1968 by Alex MooreCHx
CH Sally Anne 1973 by Ken & Barbara StreetCHxxxxxx
FT Glenroy 1976 by Tom Turner & Florence E SmithFTxx
FT Golden Fan (A)? by Alexandria's Dance?FT
FT Idaho 1959 by Bobby HoweFTxxxxx
FW Celebration 1938 by Charles J DanielsFWx
FW Charmaine 1957 by Joe Smith, Sydney, NSWFWx
FW Destiny 1949 by Official BoardFWx
FW Dorothea (A) 1933 by Syd BarrettFWxxxx
FW Empress (A) 1933 by Ted Kirk & J O'ReillyFWxxxxxx
FW Expo ?? byFW
FW Fascination by Joe Desmond, Gaiety Studios, SydneyFWx
FW Gaiety (A) 1971 by Jack & Joy Gullick, MelbourneFWxx
FW Hawaiian (A?) 1962 by Ron LynchFWxxxx
FW Killarney Vale (A) 1950 by Florence NewbeginFWxxxxxx
FW Lavene byFWx
FW Le Gay (A) 1982 by Jack & Joy Gullick, Melbourne FWx
FW Lexene Uk byFW
FW Lucille (A) 1966 by Bert Cartledge, MelbourneFWxxxxxxxx
FW Luxemburg byFW
FW Margo (A) Uk by Bert Morgan, Victorian Society of DancingFWxxxx
FW Marietta 1954 byFWxxxx
FW Onslo 1911 by Origin unknown.FWx
FW Oxford Uk by International Dancing Masters AssociationFW
FW Petite (A) 1984 by Jack & Joy Gullick, MelbourneFWxxxxx
FW Presentation (A) 1999 by Colin Ogilve, MaryboroughFWxx
FW Pride of Erin 1911 by C S WoodFWx
FW Princess 1971 by Gerals Bell & J LubelskaFWxxxxx
FW Queen's 1920 byFWx
FW Remembrance (A) 1986 by Jack & Joy Gullick, MelbourneFWxxxxx
FW Rosita (A) 1962 by Syd BakerFWxxxxx
FW Serenade (ANV) 1938 by Jack KennedyFWxxx
FW Springtime 1965 by Bill TraillFWxxxx
FW Supreme (ANV) 1988 by Colin Ogilve, MaryboroughFWxx
FW Swing (A) 1939 by Jack KennedyFWxxxxxxx
FW Topaz 1965 by Pat ThompsonFWx
FW Tracie Leigh (A) 1965 by Bernard & Betty ReillyFWxxxxxxxx
FW Twilight (A) 1944 by John BartlettFWxxxxxx
FW Wanslo 2000 by Lorna WanstallFWx
JI Alphabet 1991 by Steven & Diana ShawJIx
JI Boogie Beat 1989 by Bill & Grace McMillanJIx
JI Festival Glide/Festiva Jive by Origin unknown.JIxxxx
JI Galaxy 1983 by Charles Denness & Millie GarrawayJI
JI Jollery 1985 by Reg & Sylvia DartJIx
JI Rock ?? byJIx
MA Blue 2001 by Andrew Pigg & Caroline RobertsMAx
MA Dirty, The 2000 by David & Ann LaveryMAxx
MA Maestro 2007 by Barry Earnshaw & Beverley Murch-FowkesMAx
MA Magic 1997 by Don Millington & June MacreadyMAxxxxx
MA Manyana 2002 by Ray Fenton StoreyMAxxxxxx
LD Texas Stomp byLD
LD Waltz Across Texas ? by Lois & John NielsonLD
MI Gavotte, Stardust 2006 by MIx
MI Gordons, Gay 1907 by LexeneMIxx
MI Hucklebuck (A) 2005 by Gold Coast originMIx
MI Lexene ? Four Step? by Origin unknown.MI
MI Mexican hat dance ?? byMI
MI Polka, Fiona's 1966 by Mr N Johnson, Carlisle, UKMIxxx
MI Tap, Gypsy (A) 1930 by MIx
MI Taxi Dance ? byMI
PA Madrid 1964 by Jim BrennanPAx
QS Cameron 1984 by Michael Davies & Betty BakerQSxx
QS Cassius (A) 1989 by Neville BoydQSxxxxxx
QS Helena 1962 by Lewis WilsonQSxxxxxx
QS Kendray 2000 by Jim & Hazel WakeQSxx
QS Mayfair 1956 by Frank ShortQSxxxxxx
QS Montague 1984 by Ron PrescottQSxx
QS New Vogue (A) 1991 by Russ HeskethQSxx
QS Quando 1979 by Christine HodgkinsonQSxxxxx
QS Quixote 1999 by Neil & Lesley MarshallQS
RU Blue Angel 2006 by Beverley MurchFowkes & Edwin VickersRUxxx
RU Charisma 1986 by Elizabeth Atkinson & David HowkerRUxxxx
RU Forever 1989 by Audrey Bromage & Michelle WebsterRUxxxxx
RU Miami 1993 by Ron Lane & Audrey BromageRUxxxxxx
RU One/ One Rock 1971 by Peter VarleyRUxx
RU Queen of Hearts 1997 by Audrey BromageRUxxxxxxx
RU Redforde 2004 by Edwin Vickers & Beverley MurchFowkesRUx
RU Rosebank 2000 by Graham & Kathy ThomsonRUxxxx
RU Rossillini 2007 by Michael Stevenson & Ann BrownRUxx
RU Roundabout 1980 by Ted Burroughs & Sue HillmanRUx
RU Roxanne 1997 by David Belshaw & Karen KellyRU
RU Sirocco 2001 by Audrey & Allan BainbridgeRUx
RU St Benny's ? byRUx
RU Wisteria 2002 by Ian & Sue WebsterRUxxxxxx
SL Apple 2003 by Ian & Sue WebsterSLxx
SL Mexicana 2011 bySL
SL Sweet Bay 2003 by Ian and Sue WebsterSLxxx
SA Disco/Oxford bySA
SA Katrina 1972 by Joan WilsonSAx
SA Mexicana 2011 bySA
SC Alton ? bySCxxx
SC Carousel (A) 1974 by Jack & Joy Gullick, MelbourneSCxxxxxx
SC Charmaine (A) 1934 by Norm ChappellSCxxxxxx
SC Excelsior (A) 1939 by Charles ThomsonSCxxxxxx
SC Joyette (A) 1962 by Jack & Joy Gullick, MelbourneSCxxxxxx
SC Maxina 1917 by Madame Low-HurndallSC
SC Merrilyn (A) 1942 by Jim Fahey, MelbourneSCxxxxxxxx
SC Stanthorpe ? by Deanne WillocksSCx
SU Alpine Stroll 2006 by Ian & Sue WebsterSUxxxxxx
SU Animation (A) 1987 by Colin Ogilvie, Maryborough, QLDSUx
SU Avenue (A) 2007 by George Walstall, Adelaide, SASUxxx
SU Britannia 1958 by Official Board of BDSUx
SU Camara Sway (A) 1983 by Jack &Joy GullickSUx
SU Caprice 1971 by Robert CurtisSUxx
SU Ceefax 1984 by Joyce MarlandSU
SU Chantel 2003 by Steven Shaw & Helen BlackburnSUx
SU Edinburgh 1979 by Annette SheridanSUxxx
SU Emma's 2000 by John & Maureen DackSUxx
SU Fairview 1982 by Ted & Sue BurroughsSUxx
SU Heather's 1999 by Dorothy Hudson & Ray BulpittSUxxxx
SU Jasmin 1984 by Roger & Yvonne CorkerySUxxxx
SU Misty Blue 2001 by David & Ann LaverySUxxxxxx
SU Red Rose 1991 by Steven & Diane ShawSUxxxxxx
SU Rev‚ 1961 by Rita PoverSUx
SU Roberta (A) 1985 by Colin Pople, Redcliffe, QueenslandSUxxx
SU Sancerre 2004 by Steven Shaw & Helen BlackburnSUx
SU Shiraz 2008 by Steven Shaw & Helen BlackburnSUx
SU Silver Sway 1966 by Jacqueline GipsonSUx
SU Sovereign 1994 by Ian & Sue WebsterSUxxx
SU Together 1975 by Bob & Wyn OliverSUxxxxxxxx
SW Alpha 1930s by Sequence Dance Advisory CommitteeSWxxxxxxxx
SW Anna-Lisa (A) 2010 by Andrea & John BarwickSWx
SW Ben's 2005 by Deborah LongSWxxx
SW Beverley Anne 1988 by Ted BurroughsSWxxxxx
SW Blue Heather 1984 by Ken & Barbara StreetSWxxxxxx
SW Bluebell 2007 by Barry Earnshaw & Beverley Murch-FowkesSWxx
SW Caroline, Waltz 1983 by Bert & Norma StockleySWx
SW Catherine, Waltz 1956 by Arthur ShawSWxxx
SW Dream 1968 by Robert StewartSWxxxx
SW Eden 1986 by Michael & Angela HaytonSWxxxx
SW Emmerdale 1979 by W J CrookSWxxxxxx
SW Engagement 1969 by Ken ParkSWxxxxxxx
SW Grasmere 2002 by Michael & Angela HaytonSWxxxxxx
SW Harmonie (A) 1984 by Ron PrescottSWxxxxxxxxx
SW Helenbrooke 1979 by Dorothy MoxonSW
SW Honeysuckle 1985 by Graham & Avril WatkinsSWxxxxxx
SW Joy's ? bySWx
SW New Vogue (A) 2006 by John & Andrea Barwick, MelbourneSWxx
SW Oriana 1995 by John & Maureen DackSWx
SW Saga 1989 by Michael Pharoah & Julie WilliamsSWxxx
SW Umbria ? bySWx
SW Vanity (A) 1939 by Jack KennedySWx
SW Wanderer?s 2000 by Graham & Avril WatkinsSWx
SW Wayfaring 2003 by Ian & Sue WebsterSWx
SW Woodside 1965 by J FanningSWxxxxxxx
SWG Anfield 2001 by Graham & Kathy ThomsonSWGxxxxx
SWG Annie ?? bySWGx
SWG Boogie 1980 by Patrick JaySWGxxxxx
SWG Boulevard 1980 by Ted Burroughs & Sue HillmanSWGxxxxx
SWG Brennan (A) 2006 by Bill & Barbara Tapscott, Mt Pleasant, SASWGx
SWG Chicago (A) 1930s by Gerald Hayes, MelbourneSWGxxxx
SWG Dixie 1982 by Michael DaviesSWGxxxxxx
SWG Gatsby 1996 by Michael Morris & Beverley BerrySWGxx
SWG Glyngarry 1981 by Origin unknown.SWGx
SWG Harlequin 2003 by Steven Shaw & Helen Blackburn, UKSWGx
SWG Highland 2002 by Graham & Kathy ThomsonSWGx
SWG Ivory 1993 by Gary Fleetwood & Patricia JaySWGx
SWG Linden 1992 by Ken & Barbara StreetSWGxx
SWG Madison 2008 by Steven Shaw & Helen BlackburnSWGxxxxxx
SWG Mexican 1970 by Brian & Christine YarnoldSWG
SWG Ragtime 1969 by Jeff & Muriel AldrenSWGxxx
SWG Sharron 1990 by Ken & Barbara StreetSWGxxxx
SWG Sindy 1984 by Gary Fleetwood & Patricia JaySWGxxxxxxx
SWG Soho 1975 by Mr & Mrs Ken ParkSWGx
SWG Spindle 2005 by Ian & Sue WebsterSWGx
TA 44 1998 by Tracey Mason & George FildesTAxxxxx
TA Black Knight (A) 1984 by John & Jean LeggeTAxxx
TA Camellia 1952 by Eric Stonehouse & Marjorie WantlingTAxxx
TA Eugene 1950 by Messrs Dix Ltd, LondonTAxx
TA La Bomba (A) 1938 by Jack KennedyTAx
TA Midnight 1951 by Gilbert DanielsTAxxxxxxx
TA Royal Empress 1922 by H A Clifton & Adele RoscoeTAxxx
TA Solaire 1970 by Robert StewartTAxxxxxxxx
TA Spanish 1938 by Charles Thompson ?TAxx
TA Square 1922/1989 by Adapted by Neil & Lesley MarshalTAxxxx
TA Tangoette (A) 1940 by Gerald HaylesTAxxxxxx
TA Tenacity 1997 by Philip & Helen BlackburnTAxx
TA Terrific (A) 1978 by Neville BoydTAxxxxx
TA Tina 1986 by Terry & Ethel GrundyTAx
TA Tinka/ Tinker 2005 by Harry & Barbara HowarthTAx
TS Canadian Three by Origin unknownTSxxxx
TS Evening Three 1961 byTSxxxxx
TS Honky Tonk Two 1993 byTSxxx
TS Militaire (A) 1938 by Pat HynesTSxx
TS Tammy Two 1981 by Roy & Dorothy Moxon,TS
TS Urimbirra Two 1993 byTSxxxx